CHARTER SYSTEM FOUNDATION CUSTOMIZED TRAINING The Charter System Foundation Governance & Flexibility Team is pleased to announce our customized training services for Charter System School Districts. We understand the unique needs of each district, which is why we offer tailored training programs for SGTs, Board of Education, College and Career Academy Boards, Principals, School-based and District Leadership, and anyone else in need of training in areas of Governance and Flexibility. Our team is ready to assist you in fulfilling your annual SGT training requirement and ensuring that your district is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed. Contact us today to learn more about our training services and how we can help your district thrive. MEET THE TEAM Dr. Emily Lembeck ( 404.316.2576) Former Superintendent, Marietta City Schools Focus areas: Flexibility and governance training (metro); Orientation of new superintendents (statewide), support to superintendents Dr. Lynn Plunkett ( 706.506.6993) Former Superintendent, Floyd County Schools Focus areas: Support to superintendents, charter system contract renewal, support for charter system annual reports Ms. Susan Avant ( 912.222.5863) Former Chief Academic Officer, Liberty County Schools Focus areas: Flexibility and governance training and CCA board training, support to superintendents and CCA certification (South Georgia) TBD-Consultant to assume duties with CCA certification visits and for support and training for NW Ga and Marietta City Ms. Irene Munn ( 404.561.5940) Former Policy Advisor to Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle; Consultant to Georgia Council on Literacy Focus areas: Career pathways, CCAs, monthly webinars, advocacy with state policymakers. Mr. Eric Waters ( 678.986.5571) Former CEO Floyd County CCA Focus areas: Career pathways, WBL/Apprenticeships, CCA certification, CCA board training (North Georgia) Dr. Shawn Utley ( 229-821-1180) Retired Executive Vice President Academic Affairs Wiregrass Georgia Technical College, 15 years K12 leadership (currently part-time Project Analyst with Wiregrass TC) Focus areas: Career pathways, WBL/Apprenticeships, CCA certification, CCA board training (South Georgia) Ms. Pam Tallmadge ( 770.354.7653) Executive Assistant Focus areas: Monthly newsletter & Social media, fall conference, administrative reports and tracking, scheduling, and Team Support. Flexibility and governance training, for SGTs, administrators, and local board members (who earn credit) customized to your district’s needs: · Understanding the charter system model · Effective school level governance · Shared governance model · The meaning of flexibility and how to use it · Best practices and successes from other charter systems · Using flexibility and innovative practices designed to increase student success · Other topics that are of particular interest to districts and communities · Roles and Responsibilities of School Governance Teams, Principals, Superintendent, Board of Education and District Level Leadership. Building robust career pathways · Technical support for CCAs, including CCA certification and application for CCA grant* · Training for CCA boards and administrators* · Building Robust Accelerated Career pathways · Monthly webinars covering AC pathways · Creating apprenticeships and WBL opportunities Other services · Renewal of your charter system contract and requesting contract amendments · Orientation of new charter system superintendents · Answering specific questions regarding flexibility · Advocacy with state policymakers concerning charter systems. · Monthly newsletter, fall conference and awards luncheon. · Annual calls with all charter system superintendents · Periodic webinars on topics of interest · Supporting the work of Charter System Superintendents *Offered in collaboration with the Technical College System of Georgia |
Board of Education & LSGT Governance Training Video Modules
We partnered with the Carl Vinson Institute at UGA to produce 7 excellent video modules that can be used to provide training to new and current members of school governance teams, as well as for administrators. We hope you will find these useful in developing a training program for your district.
Supporting Documents:
Supporting Documents:
Supporting Documents:
Charter System Foundation Program Confirmation Doc
Curriculum Assessment and Instruction PPT
Supporting Documents:
Supporting Documents
Charter System Foundation.School.Improvement_Updated_ppt
Supporting Documents
Charter Systems Finances Anticipation Guide,
Charter System Foundation.Finance_KH,